Thursday, April 12, 2012

Montessori Map Mural day 4 and the Gate in Hawaii

Here's where the mural is after all the groups of kids have had a chance to put their images in.

I loved how excited they got about "carbon paper" They didn't know how easy it is to transfer their drawings onto the wall - outline and fill them in. It's very "old school", back from the days of typewriters.
The kids were ready to fly- vacation starts tomorrow- so there was a lot of restless teen spirit in the room today.
I will return next week a few times to pull this all together (somehow!)

Here is the Asia wall and details....

Leaving you with one last image- my dear Dad and the gate he made with my husband's help- I embellished it with the words and design. I like the red diamond.
"Maluhia" means peacefulness.
Yes- it is indeed!

1 comment:

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

The Gate is wonderful!!
Love what you did with Stephanie, too.