Imagine the above star (pentagram/pentacle) surrounded by this series of words:
Wiccan Rede
Power Through Knowledge
Law of Attraction and imagine that
exists in the center of your star.
I did this wiccan star for a dear friend who requested it.
Wicca is a Neopaganreligion and a form of modern witchcraft. Often referred to as Witchcraft or the Craft, its adherents are commonly referred to as Wiccans, or as Witches or Crafters. Developing in England in the first half of the twentieth century, Wicca was popularised in the 1950s and early 1960s by a Wiccan High Priest named Gerald Gardner, who at the time called it the "witch cult" and "witchcraft", and its adherents "the Wica".From the 1960s onward the name of the religion was normalised to "Wicca".
you are too amazing with all of this spiritual wisdom and art..loving it
Very Beautiful Artwork!
thank you both- its been so interesting to learn about all the different faiths.
That is very cool, Sally!!
I hope that you have a beautiful holiday season!! xo
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