Friday, April 26, 2013

Gratitude #111

Cupcakes have really become the little starlets of the times.

We painted red velvet cupcakes in the "painting white" workshop at the Art Complex with Carol O'Malia last night and last thursday. The two part workshop taught us how to see white in values and not reach for the tube of white. Last night she showed us how to glaze our dry paintings and then pick out the lights. I used the strongest blue- pthalo- and it was electrifying!
Not going to frame theses any time soon (ever) but I learned a lot and cant wait to try more.


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

So sorry I missed this - yours came out great! Funny story.... my daughter wanted me to paint a bride and groom - backlit - and I did this - and shot her a photo of it and she said "MOM!" It was a WEDDING dress - there was no 'blue' in it!~ :D

And yeah, cupcakes RULE!~

Sally Dean said...

Lot bluer than your brain thinks....
Thanks k!

Lisa Daria said...

Thanks for sharing your workshop painting - I agree with Kelley, this looks great - sooo, you painted the still life and then glazed with blue? I wonder if I have that right - I'll have to try it.