Monday, September 22, 2014

S is for Seagull and the finished pole!

Back to the Alphabet!
I finished the pole. It was amazing to be in such a busy public spot and yet I was able to focus. Day one was tough- designing and drawing it- the top of the pole gave me grief because there was no way of making it look domed at the top without it looking very odd from certain vantage points- so I made it grey .. still not totally satisfied but people seem to like it. I received so many kind worlds from people stopped at the light- some simply said "thank you".
I snuck something in at the access panel... of course...
My view from the top of my ladder- imagining Marshfield roads 100 years ago...

Guess who?

I put the dandelion  there for Molly Fitzgerald. I wore my Molly Walk shirt as I was painting and kept thinking of Molly. 

Here's the finished pole! This photo was the best I could do from the car...