Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lilac heaven and channeling my grandmother

Each spring I have feel the true spirit of my grandmother enter my whole being with my first whiff of lilacs.
I love them more than any other flower, and I know a lot of other people do too- and also feel the same way about their grandmothers.
Mine was an artist and I think she inspired me more than anyone. Mildred Brooks Chipman was a fashion illustrator at Hovey's in Boston in the 20's and in her golden years in Norwell her art took the form of furniture and tray painting in the Hitchcock tradition. She was a beautiful, gentle and creative soul. She gardened and cooked and made her antique home smell like lilacs and violets and (!) bacon.
I remember thinking how lovely she was in her boiled wool suits and soft white hair.

This is one of the treasures she left behind. I actually like the way the glass reflects the sky behind her....

1 comment:

Paintings by Patricia said...

What a nice memory and treasure.....Being older than dirt, I remember Hovey's growing up in Boston.