Saturday, January 23, 2010

30 minute tulips 8" x 8" oil on panel

I have been thinking about balance today.
Painting an oil painting every day is tough when juggling a house, family and job, not to mention exercise and just plain relaxing.
I don't want this challenge to throw me off- I am struggling to achieve  balance.
I feel like I have been neglecting exercising- so this morning before I painted  took a power walk with my dog.
I felt good but was so much less focused and felt rushed afterwards when I sat down to paint. Interesting.
I think painting first thing is the best for  me- but I still need to get everything else in.

Last night a few of my friends came over and we made embroidered linen lavender and balsam eye pillows.
It was peaceful and fun- I transfered some of my flower paintings onto the linen.
I think we all slept pretty well last night !

1 comment:

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Everything in it's due time. Balance is important. You won't get 'whacked' if you miss a day, sweetie. Looks like lots of fun!