Thursday, January 14, 2010

Catherine( work in progress )8"x10" oil on canvas-board

I did some more tweaking here- her face was too wide and too red- I really like doing these but not sure it's my calling-I hope to get it done in one more session.
Here is another sign for the times, saw this on my way to the dump this morning. I often find great things there-but lately its been bleak and scarce- no good stuff. I was feeling like I was losing faith in my dump picking karma....
but THEN I saw THIS -

I found a book on gardening and a sheet of curious george stickers!
oh yeah - I got rid of stuff too.


Manon said...

I think your painting is so sweet! She has such a great expression!! Looooove the sign!

M.F.Bruno said...

Love the painting Sally. So sweet. The sign has been like that for quite a while. There were a bunch of different stop signs all over town with different "stop" sayings. My kids were having a blast finding them.

bryson said...

...put petals on the Stop sign and you'll have your daily flower! Bryson

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

What a cool sign :D
I'm loving your blog and your work.
Just do it ;)