Saturday, January 9, 2010

Children's Art Day at North River Arts Society

Today was the annual Children's Art Day at the local art center- its a fun time for kids.I had started this canvas with kids on the street at the Memorial Day Art Festival last spring and it was getting really good

but then a huge black cloud showed up and POURED on our parade.
I threw the canvas and paints into the garage and forgot about it. At the end of that day a giant rainbow appeared behind the houses- magical!

Today I pulled the canvas out of storage  and instead of whiting it out I had the kids keep going.

Here is is-lovely!
 It was fun to see the kids paint and love the feeling of paint sliding onto  the canvas- free and with out any boundaries.

then one girl got crazy! She was having SO much fun I didn't want to stop her...

But I had to! The whole painting would have disappeared.
This was my art today- never got out to the studio- but I DID paint with the kids and there IS a flower there- honest!


chris peters said...

That's absolutely gorgeous!!! (and I would have thought it was done by someone from Yale...'back when'...)

chris peters said...

it's "janet fish meets harriet shorr meets halen frankenthaler"--at the easel. dueling brushes.

chris peters said...

sorry for the typo--i don't know how to correct it.