Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Narcissus 8" x 8" oil on canvas-board

These paperwhites are filling up the studio with its pungent smell.
My husband ordered them out of the house-he can't take it. I don't mind them, but they absolutely command the olfactory senses!
My camera is hiding from me in - so I have been using my phone for these photos-
not great but it works in a pinch!


chris peters said...

Wouldn't this make a GREAT textile!

Paintings by Patricia said...

My husband ordered mine out of the house also. Great color here.


LindaHunt said...

Just love your paintings they make me feel so happy!

Anonymous said...

I've been busy the last few weeks and have missed my daily dose of Sally Dean 365 Flowers. I just spent a few minutes catching up and have really enjoyed all that I saw and read!

Michele :)

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Gotta love the iPhone! It looks good! And I love the red-orange background - sure warms up a winter day! And yes, the smell is urine-ish, no?

and my word identification is : tarypewa
Doesn't that sound like a real word in a foreign language?

Paula Villanova said...

This would make a beautiful fabric.

Paula Villanova said...

Oh...I just saw Chris' comment...

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

that is BEAUTIFUL!
I guess you either love the scent of these or hate it.
I LOVE IT. Spicy sweet.
Yes, This looks like Waverly ;)