Monday, October 5, 2009

Dahling Dahlia 8" x 8 " oil on panel

This dahlia was a challenge-it looks more purple in this photo  than  the actual pink -I struggled a bit with it but here it is.Today was a great fall day- lovely yoga class at Dragonfly in the morning and art art art all day!
I ended the day with a brisk walk through the woods with my dear friend and neighbor Tori- the dogs and we enjoyed the colors of the marshes and river through the trees and the pretty yellow sprinkling of leaves on the soft wooded pathways.We saw tons and tons of mushrooms in many colors....heres one from the other day... I love fall....ahhhhh.

1 comment:

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

LOVELY, challenging Dahlia! Good for you that you had a wonderful art day !!!