Monday, November 30, 2009

"Spring's promise" 8" x 8" oil on panel

Tomorrow I will plant these bulbs- I've been meaning to do it all fall- procrastinating. We planted a few of these at my stepfathers gravestone last month, and the remainder will be buried just outside my studio door.
I love the hope embodied in these simple bulbs, the delayed gratification in the process of planting them.
It's a joy to see the blossoms in spring and I am always grateful to myself for taking the effort to plant them.
I will be on my knees tomorrow digging in.
And speaking of knees- my love goes out to my friend Patty , who is now in rehab  recovering from a double knee replacement. What an inspiration Patty is-she took the plunge and went under the knife knowing the happiness that will come from having two new knees. I cant believe the pain she has endured and am glad she is on the healing end of the ordeal, but there is still a lot of physical therapy and healing yet to come. She has undergone such positive change this year and continues to amaze us all. She is funny as hell and a great person to know -I am blessed to have her in my life.

If you can't tell thats a bulb planter on the left....


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

OK, I'm inspired to do the same today - as a surprise for Tim (so don't tell...). He love the Spring flowers, but hates the planting. I knew it was a bulb planter - and what a nice flower painting!

Sally Dean said...

Thanks kelly-
guess what
I never did get to it today...
hope the ground doesn't freeze!

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

Yeah... me either!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I could tell ;)
Oh, yeah, I still have outside stuff to do :(
Worked today when it was 70 degrees out.