My show in Cohassett ends on Thursday ... It's been a fun couple of months.
I have done a lot of tiny dog portraits and am gearing up for the 30 day challenge- Leslie Saeta (this is her painting of the buoys) did this last year and it prompted me to paint the little gratitude paintings. I recommend looking at her blog - there are so many artists doing this- you can surf the blogs for hours! I see lots and lots of dogs and it really inspires me.

Thanks for sending me emails with photos of your dogs - I plan to attempt all of them.
I mostly want to focus on heads and shoulders- and good clear photos preferably taken outside are the best to work from. I'm finding that some dogs are easier than others but I will do my best.
The 6"x6" original paintings will be $125. There is no pressure to buy your dog's portrait but you will have first refusal...
I can make 4"x4" reproductions mounted on blocks like the ones above for $50.
Happy new year!
Happy new year!
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