Darrell Hill was the teacher. I think it was the first real bonafide grown up plein air workshop I've ever taken. The coffee and muffins were welcoming-

Always a nice touch to have a little cuppa.
First he gave us an overview of his technique and was very clear about his way not being the only way. He was humble and nice. I liked him.
HOWEVER-it would have been good to have the group introduce themselves.
I think its a good way for people to be able to break the ice. I guess he felt there wasn't enough time, but it would have been interesting to know where everyone was from.
Then he did a demo-
And we crowded around to see him do this 20 minute painting.
He really knows his stuff!
Then we were told to find a spot...
This guy was good- from Reno ( I got that info on my own) and looked a little like Sean Penn ( I actually thought- is that Sean Penn? -NO WAY!) He was a good painter.
Also had a brand new easel and I was more than a little jealous about that!
Here's my first painting...
and my 15 minute second painting
I think this is a little vague- that' a giant hill in the background. I am not practised at painting mountains...
I learned a lot and had fun, Tomorrow we go to his studio and paint still life and apparently we get lunch! ( better be good!)
So after the farmers market set up ( 6 AM) and starting the commission for the bakery lady -I go there.
AND I have a nice one armed farmers tan.