Sunday, July 30, 2017

Summer Arts At Derby 2017- glass on glass mosaics

I just completed another fun filled five weeks at Derby Academys' Summer Arts program- it was so much fun, as always, and the weeks just flew by. I am so grateful to be able to work with the staff there- we are like family. The kids are amazing- not only do they produce tons of art, they do music, theatre, sports, cooking, sewing and write a newspaper every day. I made a video of my mosaic kids
 ( and few from the Baltimore Museum of visionary art) click here to watch.
The mosaics above were made by myself and Judy Benzaquin, co counsler, as surprise gifts to Susan and  Thalia (the directors) who are both wonderful and work all year round to make Derby the special place it is.
 I have a few days off now to putter around- starting back to the museum this Wednesday after a 5 week leave of absence.

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