Thursday, November 9, 2017

Inly School Mural

I had the pleasure for working with the kids at Inly School in Scituate a couple of weeks ago- an outdoor mural in late October in New England can be a challenge- but we managed to pull it off!
We were inspired by Gary Hirsch's "Botjoy" idea. He is coming to visit the school this winter.
Above is the "think tank" room- total white board on every surface. The kids wrote all the things that gave them joy... and we distilled it down. Then we painted all those words on the wall.

It was threatening to rain so after the kids left  I quickly sketched the outlines of their "joybots" on the wall. Normally I hate to draw for them but it was important to get the spacing right...
The next day we had the morning to work, then the rain came.
So for  the next two days we made plywood joybots inside
The kids went right to it!
The sun returned on the last day.

They had a massage circle going. 

                                                                    Mural is complete!
And here are the plywood versions.

                                                                   It was a lot of fun!
                                                               So, what brings you joy?

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