Bailey belongs to my friend Marie- she is the best. Her shop Native brings a lot of life to these parts -- anyone who enters her store is greeted with a genuine "how ya doing!" and the chairs at her counter are often filled with people chatting and laughing and just hanging out. And-of course- shopping for the best stuff! I am so lucky to know her and have Marie in my life!
Below are pictures my student- the young and beautiful Sarah McDonough- texted me of her sunflower painting and her new attic art studio. She is so talented! I am so happy she has created this cozy retreat in her home - she has two very young boys and this will provide the sanity young mothers need - and all her paintings are gorgeous!

Sally- each one of your pet portraits holds a special zing. First was periwinkle, then teal and now this. There is so much to love about Bailey!
You really do inspire me.
I am smiling after seeing your painting of Bailey. It is done sop well and makes me happy
ooops - not sop well - SO well
Thank you so much!
I'm glad Julie and thanks!
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