Friday, September 22, 2017

Tree #22 Little's Farm, Marshfield

We have had rain all week. I'm not complaining. My heart grieves for the people affected by the relentless hurricanes.
Funny how we quickly move into fall mode - I've been smelling cinnamon and craving apple pie and fleece pajamas. As my pal Laura Harvey says- "got that fall feeling" and I love it. This painting was started from the car this morning, and finished in the museum studio this afternoon- I don't really know if I like it or not. I'm at the point now where I feel like- did it- check!
I am seeing the benefits of daily painting though- no fuss- no muss- just paint that painting!
I listen to the podcast "Plein Air Painting" with Eric Rhodes- publisher and founder of plein air magazine., when I'm painting. He interviews the really successful plein air artists. Its amazing (AND HUMBLING)-but  every episode I learn something.

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