Monday, March 26, 2012

more sheep and Abington mosaic progress!

Thank you everyone for your sweet messages regarding Louise.
This is Gardenia nursing Gigi- the lambs are getting so big! In the evening the lambs love to romp around and play. It's truly  joyful.

 I painted this on the side of the barn 3 years ago. Its a bit faded but still looks pretty good!
I am SO proud of the Arts Council in Abington. Helene DiCarlo spearheaded this project. They meet in a basement and work on this together. To see the progress is makes me happy. Its my design but they own it. Each little piece .

 The middle panel.
 The panels that will hang on either side of that one.
What a wonderful addition this will be  to the town hall in Abington.
It will look amazing when its all grouted! Great job guys!

1 comment:

Paintings by Patricia said...

I was so sorry to hear about Louise...:) The lambs are such dears.

The Mosaic is looking wonderful. Ellen was telling me about the progress yesterday.