Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years teacup ( work in progress) 8" x8" oil on panel

I totally missed midnight last night- officially I am OLD.
Woke up a year later and did this quick study- this is a favorite cup of a favorite great aunt Ruth ( we actually fondly called her "Zit"- we didn't know what that meant when we were little!). She was a real character.
I only used three colors- ultramarine blue, cadmium lemon yellow , alizarin crimson with white. I also only used a one inch flat brush- thought I would challenge myself.

Not happy with the shape- I am planning on working into this tomorrow. My edges are very hard, so I m trying to soften them a bit.


Linny D. Vine said...

Happy Two -OH -Ten, Sally! I love the wonk to this one and I also love that you challenge yourself - that means that you are young!

Caroline said...

Happy New Year Sally. I am loving your series. Keep it up and consider a show at the James..

Sally Dean said...

Thanks Linny-I am stlll up for the challenge, but its dicey to feel the failure...