Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LONG day,,, but good day,

Started out with a yoga at the museum, then worked a few hours, then went for lunch and photographed Kris Brennan ( she is one of the 3 artists presenting her work at the museum Thursday night- come! its free!- email me for details))

Here she is cutting into a rock- the first step in hollowing  it out.

Then I taught my kids class in Hull- we painted paper mache fish... these kids are awesome!
And I got to paint my flower (barely)...

Its on a scrap from one of the kids altered books.
That's it folks!

1 comment:

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I love the way you manage to squeeze in your painting no matter WHAT else is going on! Was it watercolor? Oil? I like the transparent red 'cloth' underneath - daisies are ALWAYS welcome!